
Badge by Patty,

This is my first time at Writer’s Workshop…

‘Tis the month of April when crazy people like myself sign on for both the A-to-Z Challenge AND NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo…and other prompts that call to us.  

It’s in our blood, the ink of authors gone before us.  Anyway, I’m excited to have a try at John Holton’s prompt list.

Apparently due to sleep-deprivation, I’ve combined 3 from his menu:

1) Write a post based on the word thirsty.
2) Write a post in exactly 8 sentences.
5) Tell us about the most exhausted you’ve ever felt.

Here we go:


He was certain he’d never been so exhausted in his life, not even after a triathlon, or in the Army.

And thirsty…water, lemonade, gatorade–he couldn’t pour enough fluids down his throat.

Why had she chosen the hottest day on record in Texas to ask him to help her move…if she’d told him, he was too dazed to recall.

He was dripping sweat, his muscles felt like dead rubber bands that crumble before you can wrap them around a few favorite pens.

All the macho drained out of him, he sat down and prayed he wouldn’t pass out.

“Are you okay? this is the last load, I promise,” she said sweetly.

He nodded, grinning through the dizziness as he mopped his face with a turquoise bandana.

He now understood one meaning of “lovesick”–they’d be married in a month…if he lived that long.

©V.Sparrow, 2024

National Poetry Month

Celebrating poets and poetry all month long!  Requirements: words, and the ability to survive sleep-deprivation😉

For NaPoWriMo and GloPoWriMo


April…March winds gone?

Not by much–they’ve wed, these two

Crushing hyacinths

Drowning pink cherry blossoms

Perhaps there’s hope in old rhyme…


April showers bring

May flowers, more-and-plenty

Would restore hearts’ joy

Prepare for love romantic

June’s bridal parties festive


Where would poets be

Without passion’s fantasies

(Requited, or “un”)?

Sentimental Ardor’s quests

Empty pages breathing sighs

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Contours of His Heart

This quadrille is written for and for NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo

Click the link above for information on participating in the dVerse Quadrille Monday prompt…the prompt word is:  CONTOUR


Contours of his heart

Sculpted in unforgotten face

Cheekbones’ perfect planes above

Love’s lips precisely drawn

Squared jawline: complex thoughts

Played within each clenching…

How she longed to

Smooth brow…but blue

horizon’s distance painted his

Eyes…conveyed treacherous shoreline

She would never traverse

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Sliding Closer

Time for another Sundays Six Sentence Story Word Prompt (& link-up)!  If you’re new to this challenge, click the link above–meet lovely host, Denise, and she’ll help you with the rules & regs (there are very few)!

Her prompt word this week: SLIDE

Despite his brother James’ advice and efforts to encourage him, and though he wasn’t prone to bouts of depression, Finn felt himself sliding into a dim valley of barren futility.

At their age–he & Bedelia both sliding toward 70 (four years since James introduced them)–two years was surely sufficient time for a friendship-courtship to bud, bloom and bear fruit of certainty regarding love and marriage, i.e., a wedding.

They must lay cards on the table, clarify their status; he would speak with her in his naturally calm-reasoning, Atticus Finch/Greg Peck voice (which, blushing, she’d once complimented); if it was unwarranted fear hampering her progress–not lack of attraction to him–he’d nudge her gently toward James, for counseling; Oh…Sunday was Easter, he’d have to let the heart-to-heart slide.

He breathed a determined manful breath, set himself to some light housekeeping (“idle hands” and all that)–but the phone rang: Bedelia.

“I’ve made your favorite, Finn–lasagna, and brownies with toffee bits for dessert; I wanted to thank you properly for rescuing me from financial ruin, the overdraft fee–you’re always so good to me; you’ll come for dinner, yes?and, don’t mention it to James…just us two, ‘kay?

Heart sailing, buoyed on placid glistening Puget Sound, Finn was near-speechless; (he liked this suddenly unpredictable Bedelia)–“mum’s the word, Beedee…I’ll bring parmesan-garlic bread…see you soon”.

©V.Sparrow, 2024

After All These Years


She loved him dearly and truly, but whenever he gave her that remote look she was tempted to deck him.

“What??” she asked with exasperated impatience.

“Nothing, really,” he replied, wearing that endearing half-smile that won her heart when she was oh-so-young, and he was an older man…which he still was of course (and one or both of them seemed to be riding the rails to dementia).

“Well, I can’t read your mind, and why I even try remains a mystery to me after all these years.

But if you’re wondering what’s for dinner and when it will be ready–you requested Cornish Game Hens, they’re in the crockpot…45 minutes.”

“You dazzle me,” he said, shrugging–“woman of mercurial moods, beautiful in every turning…I don’t seem to remember why you chose me–my heart skips and stutters each time I gaze at you.”

©V.Sparrow, 2024 

Stutter-Stepping Heart

In case anyone’s curious about the blog’s name, years ago in an early blog…maybe 2011…I wrote this poem:


Sometimes, the wind chimes

Play memory-songs of your

Blue-steel eyes on me.

I’m without rhythm, lyrics…

Dancing mute, stutter-stepping.

©V.Sparrow, 2024