Sliding Closer

Time for another Sundays Six Sentence Story Word Prompt (& link-up)!  If you’re new to this challenge, click the link above–meet lovely host, Denise, and she’ll help you with the rules & regs (there are very few)!

Her prompt word this week: SLIDE

Despite his brother James’ advice and efforts to encourage him, and though he wasn’t prone to bouts of depression, Finn felt himself sliding into a dim valley of barren futility.

At their age–he & Bedelia both sliding toward 70 (four years since James introduced them)–two years was surely sufficient time for a friendship-courtship to bud, bloom and bear fruit of certainty regarding love and marriage, i.e., a wedding.

They must lay cards on the table, clarify their status; he would speak with her in his naturally calm-reasoning, Atticus Finch/Greg Peck voice (which, blushing, she’d once complimented); if it was unwarranted fear hampering her progress–not lack of attraction to him–he’d nudge her gently toward James, for counseling; Oh…Sunday was Easter, he’d have to let the heart-to-heart slide.

He breathed a determined manful breath, set himself to some light housekeeping (“idle hands” and all that)–but the phone rang: Bedelia.

“I’ve made your favorite, Finn–lasagna, and brownies with toffee bits for dessert; I wanted to thank you properly for rescuing me from financial ruin, the overdraft fee–you’re always so good to me; you’ll come for dinner, yes?and, don’t mention it to James…just us two, ‘kay?

Heart sailing, buoyed on placid glistening Puget Sound, Finn was near-speechless; (he liked this suddenly unpredictable Bedelia)–“mum’s the word, Beedee…I’ll bring parmesan-garlic bread…see you soon”.

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Martha and Mary Reflect (3TC)

Di’s 3 prompt words are:  AWE, AWFUL, HORRIBLE


Martha and Mary were elderly sisters, their memories sharp as knife blades.  Their hearts could hardly hold the awe and love they’d known for years, since meeting Jesus

He was different, almost indescribably so:  wise, well-educated, strong, humble, mannerly, tender-hearted, kindly.  Yet down-to-earth…they could hear his hearty laugh even now.  

Whenever He was in town back then, they knew He’d visit their home for dinner…it was cause for celebration.  They’d spend days cooking, baking–and fuss about which of them would serve Him their special dish first!

He’d been their teacher, rabbi…their best friend in the world.  He was Someone they could count on for whatever they needed.  He meant everything to them.

Once a year, though, their delighted reminiscing was over-shadowed by recollections of a Friday long ago: the day He was arrested for no reason–no honest factual testimony, no crime.

Oh, the awful torture He’d endured…it had gone on and on.  And most horrible of all–the image burned in their minds of Him nailed to that Cross.  Bruised, bleeding from welts, slashes…a crown of thorns wholly unsuitable for the Messiah they’d waited for, their King.

He’d made them a promise which sounded too good to believe…but He was true to His Word–  

The grave was nothing to Him.  Sure enough He’d died–and three days later He was ALIVE, greeting them again.  That was a GOOD day…people still talk about it, singing His name.

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Heart’s Fire Banked (the return of Bedelia et al)

If you’re not familiar with this challenge, our host is ‘dear-to-our-hearts-Denise’.  Click the link above to meet her and learn how easy, fun, and popular crafting 6-sentence stories is.  Each Sunday she supplies a Prompt Word, then we’re off and running  writing!  This week’s word is BANK.  Everyone’s invited, come join us😊


During the few years they’d been friends, Finn had kept the fire of his longing for her banked.

Neither were young anymore…he’d envisioned standing beside her at the altar, putting a ring on her left hand…and imagined the silver season of life would be filled with comforts and companionship of love lived daily in the same house.

His brother James–best friend, a Catholic priest–had admonished him periodically, and again this very day, with characteristic humor.

“Finn, old boy…you did the marriage thing faithfully for a goodly portion of your life, and you weren’t truly happy–at best it was an amenable habitation, but with a dearth of shared interests.

Why can’t you embrace the fine, enriching friendship you have with Bedelia, and be content…if she can’t overcome her fears of marital commitment you still have more, in quality, than men our age who’ve settled–quite precariously, I dare say–for online hook-ups and speed-dating.”

“Oh goodness–” Finn said, “speaking of speed, I need to drive Beedee to the bank…she called early this morning, frantic because her account is overdrawn by five bucks–I better run, you know how she frets…and yes, I remember: ‘day by day’, ‘perseverance’, ‘God has a plan’.”

©V.Sparrow, 2024