About the Author, “V”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to blog again, after quitting the game a few years back.  Then, a few days ago it presented as a test question: “considering all the complaints about the ageing process, do you think you’d remember how to set up a blog?” 

Well, I wasn’t certain…I knew WordPress had made some changes (and I already despised Blocks–thank goodness WP still offers Classic)–the real issue was the old brain’s memory function.  But I’ll tell you one thing about living to 71: I’m feisty, stubborn, persistent–all good traits if laced with grace, humility, a sense of humor, and confidence in the Lord who holds my heart in His strong hands.

So I figured I’d start with a free blog–if I failed utterly, no big deal.  And honestly, I surprised myself.  It took several days but with unhurried patience, one aspect/feature after another rose from dusty recall…and here I am.

I may not work the blog everyday…there are other things in life.  And I choose the blogs I follow with care because I can’t read a yard-long list daily (cataracts).  And I’ve never expected a crowd to follow me.

A few more things to know:

Unless otherwise credited, all photo images are mine–I use the camera on my tablet to snap pics around my modest habitation.  I’m not a professional, which will be obvious to those who are😉.

And it should go without saying, but I will:  unless otherwise credited, all the writing is mine.  I know you wouldn’t think of stealing…so if you wish to reblog, or “borrow” some of my words, I’d appreciate appropriate credit/linking.  Much thanks!

When I use the word “faith”, I’m generally referring to Bible-believing Christianity.  The greatest blessing of getting older was realizing a new eagerness to study God’s Word and put Him first in my life.  I won’t preach on the blog–but my writing will likely reflect the personal relationship I have with Him.  From time to time, I may post Contemporary Christian music…it’s encouraging.

I’ve lived in the Pacific NW (USA) since 1967, and I’ve been writing almost as long as I’ve been reading (elementary school).  Mostly, I write poetry–I also have short stories in my files, plus several rough drafts of novels.  I write for the pleasure of it.

And my favorite color is blue, almost any shade.

I love words, and usually write/speak too many of them…so I understand that your attention has likely expired😊. 

Thanks for visiting…may God bless you abundantly.♥♥♥♥♥

V. Sparrow

33 thoughts on “About the Author, “V”

    1. Hahaha! Thanks much, Linda–I have my good days and bad days, so hanging out with me can be a gamble!

      I hope I would be an inspiration to some folks…as I opened this new blog I thought, “it could happen…”

      Last weekend I heard a great speaker at church–she said it’s time we all got real and stopped feeling the need to “tuck our crazy in”. That may be what I’m doing here on the blog–“not tucking it in anymore”…very freeing! So I appreciate your encouragement, and I’ll keep you in my prayers regarding migraines💙.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh thank you, I’ll take all the help I can get! I love the quote about tucking in your crazy, it’s just yet another way we feel pressured to conform. My daughters are teenagers so I’m always conscious of what I might be role modelling- I try to find a balance between authentic and socially acceptable!, Linda xx

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        1. “Balance is good” (she says while reaching for the counter to steady herself). I guess you’ve figured out by now–I believe faith and “funny” are vital to surviving Life. Having battled depression/anxiety for nearly 71 years, it’s a true miracle that I have a good sense of humor…and I do love to make folks laugh. By the way, I have an adorable little koala named Pax…I’ll post a picture of him soon. Poor darling suffered shock during his journey to the US, he’s never quite recovered–from the look of his eyes. But he’s quiet, wise and wonderful. He was a gift sent from a blogger in Australia. Okay, enough jabber–I have work to do…and sleep would be good at some point.😉


  1. Well neighbor it is nice to see your blog up and running. Or maybe it has been but I am just running behind. Which isn’t like me . . . I am always early to everything. Looking forward to your poetry and insights! Your new friend in Christ ~


    1. Oh, you’re so sweet, Nancy! I’m happy to meet you as well. You’ve got me thinking of “old” music–“these are the days, my friend” just popped into my head! (I may not be quoting it exactly, but the next part is, “we thought they’d never end”….) Goodness, the things we remember–and all that we forget, hah!

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    1. Oh wow, Keith–you just made my day! (at 4:30 in the morning). It was tricky for me to figure out how to do the blogroll–so you’re fortunate…others are still waiting to be seen. I think I’m better at writing, than the tech-stuff🙄 God bless you!


    1. Hahahaha, well thank you muchly for reading the About! What’s that saying: “guess I’ll have to be me…everyone else is taken”? Thanks again–God bless you! (PS: 71 is what it says on paper–inside I’m maybe 17 some days, a bit older on others, depending how close it is to Full Moon, yikes!)

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      1. The pleasure is mine and yes, that expression is perfect! Mine says 60 since yesterday and there are days where I feel 20 (most days) and some, well… how I imagine 85 will feel like! LOL.

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        1. You crack me up!! Your b’day was yesterday? Belated happy, and wishes for All GOOD things! PS: I wasn’t going to mention it…but there are days when 71 sounds invalid (as in both “wrong” and description of health)…everything seems like too much effort, I hurt all over–whine, whine, whine! And now for some cheese–smoked gouda please!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I am rather funny, they say 😉
            Yes, it was and I thank you!
            Oh, I hear ya… hang on, lemme get the cheese and some good wine to go with that whine! (All excuses are good, don’t you think?)

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            1. Oh how I’d love some good wine–but alcohol doesn’t agree with my system…which is probably a good thing since alcoholism runs in my family. But in my mind I’m always thinking something cool and fruity would taste so good! I do cook with vino, though….it’s just not the same!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. That is a sad state of affairs. I have been having issues now and again but one glass doesn’t usually hurt 😉 I’ve got some non-alcoholic version which is surprisingly drinkable!

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