I Would Have Asked… (for dVerse)


I don’t know if I’ve come even close to satisfying the instructions for this poetic form…but this is what I’ve got:

I would have asked

“Why couldn’t you love me?”

But you were silent

Perhaps distracted…

I would have said

“Please look at me

With tenderness and

Not mute scorn

Please don’t ignore…”

I would have begged

“Why could we never

Have connected

Just one time

For single day?”

But you were far

Uncaring distance

Heart needed

Longed too much…

Now you both have gone

 I don’t know, somewhere

One I’ve most forgotten

The other heart cannot–

You live in hidden dreams

Where candle ne’er goes out

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Key For Remembrance (NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo)


Image credit; Michael Dziedzic Unsplash

Written for Sadje’s prompt, “what do you see?” AND NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo

How long had it been

Since the key had gone missing

Time enough for her

To grow older, but nary

Full seasons for longing’s end


Among Fall’s brown leaves

It lay, warm as when he had

Placed it in her palm–

Was it fity years ago?

No, it was far too burnished


Lustrous as her love

For him had shimmered that day…

Rose-colored Autumn

Her heartbeat stutter-stepping

Wond’ring if he’d stay a while


He’d left with promise

To return she knew not when–

Gifted her brass key

Never saying where she’d find

True lock it must have fitted


Surely now she knew

Ah…it was his younger heart

Older, faraway…

Or hidden ‘mid his ashes

Where her pining would remain

©V.Sparrow, 2024



Heart’s Fire Banked (the return of Bedelia et al)


If you’re not familiar with this challenge, our host is ‘dear-to-our-hearts-Denise’.  Click the link above to meet her and learn how easy, fun, and popular crafting 6-sentence stories is.  Each Sunday she supplies a Prompt Word, then we’re off and running  writing!  This week’s word is BANK.  Everyone’s invited, come join us😊


During the few years they’d been friends, Finn had kept the fire of his longing for her banked.

Neither were young anymore…he’d envisioned standing beside her at the altar, putting a ring on her left hand…and imagined the silver season of life would be filled with comforts and companionship of love lived daily in the same house.

His brother James–best friend, a Catholic priest–had admonished him periodically, and again this very day, with characteristic humor.

“Finn, old boy…you did the marriage thing faithfully for a goodly portion of your life, and you weren’t truly happy–at best it was an amenable habitation, but with a dearth of shared interests.

Why can’t you embrace the fine, enriching friendship you have with Bedelia, and be content…if she can’t overcome her fears of marital commitment you still have more, in quality, than men our age who’ve settled–quite precariously, I dare say–for online hook-ups and speed-dating.”

“Oh goodness–” Finn said, “speaking of speed, I need to drive Beedee to the bank…she called early this morning, frantic because her account is overdrawn by five bucks–I better run, you know how she frets…and yes, I remember: ‘day by day’, ‘perseverance’, ‘God has a plan’.”

©V.Sparrow, 2024