Core Conceals Secrets (Six-Sentence-Story)

“Six Sentence Stories” is always a great day, and Denise delivered an intriguing prompt word: CORE.  Click the link above to meet her and get acquainted with how 6SS works–it’s FUN!


At the core of most human relationships there’s likely to be a curse flaw, or blessing (or both)–which may complicate Life….particularly if secrets are hidden between one thing and another.

As to Finn and Bedelia (a star-tossed couple if ever there was one, in their senior years), their combined multi-faceted core–(often lustrous, sometimes a tangled ball of twine)–was something Finn had been unwittingly destined to manage.

In the depths of  her being Bedelia was a mess…kindly, thoughtful, generous, a devout woman of faith–but no less a mess.

Finn, though perhaps he hadn’t recognized it as such, was at his core a hero; a problem-solver, perceptive man of sound discernment…a semi-retired family law attorney who had finessed more domestic complexities than he could count.

This made them an ideal match, one might think–except that all heck could break out with not a moment’s advance notice; and that’s exactly what happened the evening Finn called a professional to diagnose a potentially dangerous electrical wiring issue in Bedelia’s home.

The electrician, John (familiar to Bedelia & Finn), asked her how old the house was–a typical, and innocuous inquiry; but you’d have thought he was questioning her morals, as it triggered a hysterical stream of irrational verbal vomit:  “it’s MY house, belongs to ME, you can’t tear the walls apart! it was a gift, completely paid for–for the rest of my life, you can’t destroy my house!” she howled, struggling as Finn tried to hold her and speak reassurance; he motioned for John to leave, and settled her on the couch while he looked for her meds…….her frantic display reminded Finn of a scene frighteningly played by Bette Davis in “Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte”.

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Upper Room’s Locked Doors

Huddled, in hiding

Behind Upper Room’s locked doors

Hushed ‘neath somber pall

Hoping something would happen

A miraculous something


Stifled by fear, shame

Mute sorrowed contemplation

They avoided eyes

Of companions…all had run

Left the Master in Death’s hour


There had to be more–

One began to pray…then a

Faint voice trembling, sang…

Frail faith could not discount God’s

Word–daily they’d walked with Him

©V.Sparrow, 2024

Horrifying Pivot (3TC)

Di’s final three words for this week are: 



His voice was soft, barely above a whisper

Then chilled crisp, a pivot in his tone, manner 

The swift-swerving change made her feel fizzy, and the champagne had yet to be opened…

She wasn’t sure she trusted his mercurial personality

It might spell adventure, or mere flight of fancy…or lead to demise of something valuable, fragile

She declined his glass of bubbly…unwise to blur faculties, intuitions

Suddenly she shivered with subtle sense that she’d been this way before…a straight path to all that was crooked in the world of men who charm you until you feel teeth of the trap snap on your mind, heart, soul, spirit…you can’t run, escape what seems a dream but may not be, as ‘rats’ gnaw at your feet and you hear your voice screaming.

©V.Sparrow, 2024